I did not grow up
in a religious home, but for some reason during my dad’s deployment my mom dropped
my sister and me off at a nearby Vacation Bible School. It was there that I
learned about the life and love of Jesus, that he was my friend, and the hope
of the world around me. It wouldn’t be until my early teens that I would
understand my even greater need for Jesus. As parents we often wonder about our
world today and its impact on our children. We may try to protect and shield them from the
harsh realities of conflict in an increasingly global society. But, I personally
wonder if Jesus would become the “hero” he was to me then, without the stark
contrast of a world on display in need of desperate hope. Is such a contrast even possible when our children have so much today? I never went to
Disneyland as a child, but I did see the Redwood Forest. My first tech gadget
was my very own tape cassette player, and birthday parties then included a
gathering of friends around the dining table with a homemade cake. Our lives were simple, but we were content.
Consider our
children’s heroes today. Do our children have an appreciation for the kindness of
Jesus, his deep care for those who suffer, his compassion for the poor, and his
promise of justice one day? Better yet, do our children know how much our world
needs a kind hero, the very hope of the nations? What kind of “funnelvision” do
children experience in today’s media mix? I’m certain my own mother had no idea
of the internal processing I experienced. What thoughts do you have?
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